Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Blessings, silver linings & some pain to go along with

Merry Christmas Everyone!  I hope this missive finds you all happy & healthy.  Did Santa bring you new toys? 
This has been a tough year for me, but I still have more than my share of things for which to feel thankful.
My Oncologist, Dr. Pok, & the nurses at MCV have been a Godsend.  I miss my nurse, Maria, who moved to work at another hospital.  Not only are these people truly compassionate, but they are funny, quirky & delightfully sarcastic.  I will miss them once this treatment is done.  After a year of immunotherapy I consider them more than friends.  I consider them family.  Don’t think for a moment that I’ll ever forget you!  The women in the chemo lab are amazing.  I’ll be stopping in to visit periodically so you won’t forget me.  Also I’ve expanded my joke repertoire & my knitting has greatly improved over the last year as well.  I’ll get everyone’s hats done eventually.
My oncologist also hooked me up with a fabulous PT, Andy.  He is working to break up the scar tissue in my right arm & arm pit from the various surgeries.  Needless to say I am mostly happy to have him working me over.  There are times when I want to smack him when he hits a bit of unhappy tissue near the bone.  I have not yet cried but I have issued a few choice words in his general direction.  Jill, I am quite sure you know what I’m talking about as you’ve had your share of scar tissue to work on.
I could not have done this without each and every one of my friends & family.  Your kind words & support have been wonderful.  I feel truly loved for the first time.  Even those of you who are far away make me feel loved.  The support I’ve received via Face Book has been spectacular.  I will never be able to adequately express just how thankful I am to have you all in my life. 
The treatment has taught me just how strong a person I am.  Isn’t it funny that it takes something really difficult to explore yourself and come out thinking, “Hey, I’m pretty awesome and stronger than I ever thought possible.”  Going into the treatment, I had no idea what it would entail.  I didn’t lose my hair so I shaved my head instead, and I liked it.  I can honestly say this is the hardest thing I have ever done.  I’ve never felt this sick in my life, nor have I ever felt so much support from friends & family.  This is when you really find out who your friends are.  I know I haven’t been up for much visiting, but that will change in February or March.  As I get my strength back, I’ll be making my rounds to see everyone.
This is also when you find out the quality of your co-workers.  I have to say that H&A has the best quality of people with which to work.  Even though my chemo brain makes me have to ask the same question multiple times, everyone has been spectacular & patient with me.  I would like to take a moment to say, “Thank You for your compassion & understanding.”
Now that the nice stuff is done I’ll fill you in on what happens when you have a guy working to reduce scar tissue.  Fucking Ow!  Seriously that sentiment doesn’t do justice.  This guy thoroughly enjoys what he does.  He smiles every time I flinch in pain.  Wednesday he tried to scratch behind my left eye by way of my right armpit.  It didn’t just fucking hurt for a little while either.  I could still feel it this morning when I was trying to stretch out my shoulders.  Holy crap on toast!  I may have come close to levitation during that treatment, I can't be sure as I was in pain.  I’m pretty sure he is working to increase my pain threshold by at least triple.  Fine by me, but damn!  Thankfully he almost went easy on my today, no poking around in my armpit.  It still feels like there is a steel ball stuck up in there.
Only 14 treatments left!
After everything is over next year, I think I’ll move on to taking over the world.
I love you all!

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