Monday, August 12, 2013

Side Effects Update

Have I told you lately that I really don’t like IV’s?  Well, I’ve had two this week so far, (not as bad as the 3+/week in January.)  My ride in the MRI machine was nothing if not loud and shaky.  Thank heaven they gave me a free pair of earplugs.  Hmmm, they might be included when I get the bill.  Dang, oh well, earplugs are cheap right?  Right then, the ride.  So, I suspect I was in the machine for about 20 minutes total with the ka-chunk-ka-chunk-ka-chunking and the shake-shake-shaking.  The darn thing would pause for a minute and start up again and I’d twitch again.  It was a bit uncomfortable in that tube, but I closed my eyes and tried to imagine relaxing in a lovely meadow.  It didn’t work, but I kept trying..  The contrast for my second ride was friggen cold, I think they had just taken it out of the refrigerator.  I am happy to report that I got a pre-warmed blanket for the ride.  That was the best part of any MRI as that room has to be kept really cold to keep the machine from overheating.

After my ride in the very loud & shaky machine the nurse removed my IV, (Yay!) and the room didn’t completely spin when I stood up.  I’m taking that as a very good sign.  Getting up too quickly still makes me woozy so I try to move slowly while the earth evens out beneath my feet.  It is getting better and there is no headache today.  Woo-Hooo! 

Not a long missive, but there you go.  More info will be forthcoming when I get the news from the Medical College of VA this afternoon.

Friday after work, but before treatment, I went to a barber to have my head shaved, like a real shave.  I had no idea how luxurious getting shaved was.  I got to pick out the shaving cream by scent.  The gentleman warmed it and applied it to my head.  Man that felt luscious, then he applied a hot towel, again wow!  Then after a few minutes to let my head soak in the goodness he put on some more shaving cream and shaved my head.  Talk about sexy!  I have a beautiful cranium.  Now I know how my brother’s feel, and it is good!

This was the best weekend I’ve had in months!  I felt so good I grabbed my camera and went out into the world.  I didn’t manage to take any pictures, but I did have some fun.  I had breakfast Saturday morning – Bacon waffles = yum!  Then I went shopping with my very good friend Mary Bergman.  She has an eye for jewelry in pawn shops.  I splurged and got myself a ruby necklace.  I probably spent too much money, but I love it!  Now I just need a bracelet to match.  Next time.

Saturday I went and saw my friend Karen & have a beer.  God I’ve missed her!  I even managed to get some puppy loving in.  What a joy to be out in the world.  Then I went home and relaxed in a nice warm tub with some salts & heavenly scents before bed. 

I hope your weekend was as nice as mine.  I am going to savor it as I'll probably be back on treatment tonight.  It'll be tough, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

love and hugs to all!


  1. Oh yeah, my MRI scan was good. Nothing untoward found. Yay!

  2. Hi there Brenda! I was actually just checking out a few of your posts and had a quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance, thanks!


    1. Hi Emily,
      I thought I had replied but apparently it didn't actually happen. You can e-mail me at
      I apologize for the delay.
