Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Good afternoon all,
I must apologize for having been remiss in updating this blog, as usual.  My July scan was delightfully clean, (and there was much rejoicing.)  Life has gone on since then, things have even been going pretty well. 

I have been wooed away from my current company.  My last day is a few weeks away yet and I have a ton of things to clear up before I leave.  I will be sorry to leave as they have been very good to me, but after 11 years it is time for a change.  I need to get my feet wet in another area of engineering for awhile.  I’ve been doing lighting for so long that I feel like I need to step aside and try something else for a while.  I am not going far, the new firm is only a few miles away.  It is a larger company, but a smaller office.  The projects are smaller and I’ll have a chance to get back into the power side.  I am nervous but excited to do something different for awhile.  I will miss everyone, but we will still be able to get together on occasion.

I went home last week as my Mom was being honored for her Outstanding Volunteer Service by the Community College where she taught for many years.  Mom was always spending extra time there volunteering for the bloodmobile, sponsoring student activities.  When I was in high school she was faculty advisor for the math science club.  I used to go with her to chop wood, (we sold wood to raise money for the club one year,) help work the concession stand at the football and basketball game’s, she would tutor students as well in an effort to get them to pass her classes.  Mom taught biology & microbiology and she was quite good at it.  Her students loved her.  She had to make her lectures entertaining to get her students to listen.  I wasn’t allowed to take her class as she used my brothers and I as examples in her genetics lecture.  I tried to sneak in to hear her lecture but was always chased out.  I did sit in the corridor a few times to listen to her.  She was wonderful.  I love her lecture style.  She used humor to get the students engaged. 

About three weeks ago I had my most recent CT scan.  The week after, I got to see my Oncologist for the results.  Unfortunately he said part of my small bowel(?) was enflamed, which could be ANYTHING, from an infection to gas.  (Sorry Mom & Dad, I didn’t tell you about it because I didn’t want you to worry.)  At this point I’ve decided it is nothing to worry about.  (There is a little part of my brain that is freaking out of course.   I’ve stuffed that part away in a small locked box.) 
They scheduled me for an Upper GI.  I got there shortly after 7:00 Monday morning, it took me a few tries to get to the right place.  The buildings are all connected and it isn’t easy telling what building you are in once you are walking around.  After a few false starts, I finally made it to the correct imaging center in the correct building.  Every time I have a new procedure, I get lost trying to find the right place.

They gave me two gowns to wear so my hiney didn’t flap in the wind.  I bagged my clothes up and got on the X-ray table.  It was kind of cool as the table moves back and forth, up and down and rotates.  I had to drink several cups of a thick, heavy barium solution.  YUCK!  It was very interesting watching the fluid move through my digestive tract.  The nurse and Dr. informed me that it could take all day to get it to move where they needed it to go.  I told them that my body likes to get rid of it quickly.  They were skeptical until my gastrointestinal system got to work, then they made me drink extra barium solution.    I’m still pooping white stuff, which is just disturbing on so many levels!

I got my results back yesterday:  Dr. Pok sent me the following. 
It does not appear to be related to anything cancerous, although they are not sure what it is.  Inflammation for some reason?   I am going to refer you to Dr. Bouhaidar in VCU gastroenterology- he will meet with you and decide if you need the Push Enteroscopy.  

This is the formal result.  Enteritis means inflammation of intestine.  Vasculitis is inflammation of blood vessels.  

btw- congrats on super rapid transit time.  You are cheeseburger to poo in 30 minutes or less!  That is a skill I thought only the wookiee had.  (The wookiee is his buddy and my PT, a really funny guy.)
1.  Segmental regular, smooth fold thickening of the distal duodenum and proximal jejunum in a distribution similar to the recent abdominal CT. Findings can be seen with enteritis, including inflammatory or ischemic enteritis. Additional considerations include an infiltrative process such as eosinophilic enteritis or sequela of chemotherapy. Underlying vasculitis is also possible. Small bowel lymphoma and metastatic melanoma are considered less likely. Further evaluation with push enteroscopy and biopsy would be of benefit. 

2.  Moderate gastroesophageal reflux. Small hiatal hernia and nonobstructing Schatzki's ring.
3.  Mild esophageal dysmotility.

4.  Rapid transit time for barium to reach the right colon at 30 minutes.
I hope to get scheduled this week for the Gastroenterologist.  It would be nice to get it out of the way so I  don’t have to waste any more time worrying. 

I promise to update you all when I see the gastroenterologist. 

Love and hugs for everyone,

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