Thursday, September 24, 2015

Garage Saga

Good afternoon all!  I hope this post finds you all well and healthy.  My life has been pretty dull of late.  I've been waiting on some construction to be completed on my garage. 

Last spring, March 15th to be exact, a gentleman fell asleep at the wheel and drove into my garage.  My garage was a small grocery store in the 1920's and is brick.  It is quite sturdy so when I say he almost totaled it I mean it. 

We figure he had to be going between 40-45 minimum to do the damage he did.  He was driving a 1997 Jeep Cherokee.  He was so lucky to be unconscious when he hit as his body was relaxed.  Even in his relaxed state it was a miracle he walked away from that horrid wreck.  He hit the corner of the building head on then flipped around and hit the whole front of the building with the length of his SUV.  He totaled the front of the building and about half of a side wall. 

I called my insurance company to discuss the damage.  When I got his insurance information I called his Insurance people and got them in touch with my insurance people.  This has been an ongoing saga for several months.  Both companies are quite sure I did NOT suddenly move my garage into the road to get hit so they've been really good there. 

It took several months to get a contractor hired, Liberty Mutual wanted some of his preferred contractors to take a look.  Meanwhile I'm living with the above mess which the city kindly boarded up for me at a cost of almost $500.00.

I found one contractor on-line and another from previous experience.  The numbers came in and I finally hired a contractor in May.  I won't bore you with too many details, but the Liberty Mutual preferred contractor refused to deal with me and would only deal with Liberty Mutual.  His bid was also double what everyone else's numbers were.  Needless to say he was not hired.

So, contractor on board - Check!
Garage still there - Check!
Garage door deposit paid & ordered - Check!
Permit from the city to begin work - Yeah, Right!  Apparently they are swamped and can't get to it anytime soon.  They mentioned that it would be 4-6 weeks before they can review and approve out permit.  4-6 weeks took more than 2 months.  Then they refused to send it to the contractor.  They had to go pick it up!

Demolition finally begins mid August.  Masonry work begins a few days later and is finished in less than 2 weeks!  Woo-Hooo!  Oh yes, it should be said that the masonry crew was amazing!  They were nice guys, pretty tidy, and incredibly polite.  It was also really cool to wake up one Saturday morning to hear them listening to disco music.  I giggled for about 15 minutes over that.

Damn, we are back to being in a holding pattern as the garage door folks did not in fact order the door when the deposit was paid.  It'll be another two weeks waiting on the door.  Meanwhile my garage is sitting wide open for all the world to view its innards.  I happen to know it was feeling as vulnerable as I was.  The masonry work was looking fabulous, but there was this large 12' wide by 8' high opening that needed to be closed.  It was stuck in the midst of a perpetual yawn with no power, no fence, & no protection from thieves and drug dealers.  I am quite sure both perused the garage interior while it was wide open when I wasn't looking.  I have found evidence that the garage was occupied when I wasn't home.  Garrrumph!

The door finally arrived September 11th.  The installer was spectacular and did a great job!  That is, until we tried to test it.  Back when the garage was torn up from the accident, the door folks came out to check things out and the operator was still working.  I suspect it was depressed at having its door gone for so long that it committed suicide. 

It isn't easy to see, but the circuit board is broken on the lower right corner.  Now I have to get estimates for a new operator, order it and get it installed.  Sigh!  (I finally got the approval to order it today.  A check should be on its way to me as I type this.) 

Now my garage is feeling better about being closed up but it isn't necessarily useful yet.  Once the operator goes in and the power is connected things will be better. I just need to be patient.   

It should be noted that there was a 1' x 4'  2 lamp industrial fluorescent fixture sitting against the wall the entire time the garage was wide open.  Said fixture used to hang above my work bench.  I know it was there the day the garage door went in because I sat by it thinking I should get on the ladder and hang it back up where it belonged.  The white gate also went in the day before.  Someone waited until the door was in, & the gate was in to steal the fixture.  It should be noted that this was a 5 year old $20.00, (or less,) fixture from home depot.  It isn't super awesome or expensive.  It was merely functional.  Some douche had to open the gate, move my trash cans out of the way, & open the side door to steal that fixture.  I've had the garage door locked since it went in.  It seems like a lot of effort to steal something that really can't be readily fenced for cash to buy drugs. 

So here I sit, waiting for my garage door operator so that I will be able to use my garage door again.  Hell, it has been 5.5 months, what is a few more weeks?

I do have to say the contractor has been great.  I mostly speak with his wife and she is spectacular!  They are definitely getting a really good review from me.  I'll try to put up a post when it is all finished.  I think a party to christen the new garage will be in order.

Oh yes, I am just about 30 days from being 3 years cancer free!!!  Woo-Hooo!  That is definitely worth a little happy dance.

Oh and another bit of coolness I got in my e-mail today is a small off grid, 3D printed house and vehicle with two way battery system.
Check it out!

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