I didn't have a skin check until next month but one of said moles had broken open and bled. This is what happened when I found the first cancer.
Fortunately my Dermatologist is Awesome and let me do the skin check a month early so I don't have to go back in October.
Unfortunately the biopsy results aren't back yet. All of my scans have been clear so I'm not too worried, but you know how it is. There is always that little crumb of doubt in the back of your mind once you have had cancer that says, "I'm baaaaaaack!" I would really love to beat the crap out of that little bit of doubt.
Stupid doubt! You suck!
I have 3 holes that are healing. The worrisome one is on my right arm, the one that broke open, just below my elbow. There is one on my forehead at the hairline, that one actually hurts a little. The last one is on my back. That one doesn't hurt in the least. Now I just need to get my mind off of the spot on my arm. Any ideas out there? Anyone?
If you know a good joke, toss it my way.
On the up side, my girl Zoe is happy and healthy and she is the best little cuddle bug in the world. So is my little Freddi. Sadly Freddi is camera shy.
I also managed, with the help of a co-worker, to get 8' of my porch floor replaced & painted Saturday. Hooray!
after the install but before the paint
One small strip still needs installed, but the rest I painted.
More photos to come.
I feel ya. Got my yearly MRI on Friday. They called today to say that they want a copy of the old one to compare. But don't worry...why the hell did they even call???