Thursday, April 11, 2013

CT Scan Update

I got a call from my nurse yesterday afternoon.  Apparently someone played where's Waldo with my scan.  They found 1 lymph node which is marginally larger than my scan from January.  Since it was noted, I will need to have a biopsy.  I'm not sure when this proceedure will be, which node it is, or what will be involved.  I thought I'd get a call today, but they are busy folks and will get to me when they can, I hope.

I can only assume that since all of the trees in the Richmond area are procreating like rabbits, that this is due to one of the maryiad of allergens I react to.  If I were a betting woman, I'd say it was the slippery elm tree.  I have, however learned that betting is best left to those with money to lose.  It could also be related to the sore throat I've been battling for a week.  Either way, it is still better to be safe than sorry so I can't complain over much.

On a delightful note, I got to eat the first asparagus from my garden for breakfast this morning.  I don't think I have ever had better!  I hope to have a bumper crop to enjoy.  The peas & spinach are also up.  I planted garlic last year and it is beautiful.  I love having a garden!

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