Wednesday, July 5, 2017


I haven't been around much I know but life has a way of well, getting in the way.

Thus far this spring/summer I've been gardening like a crazy woman.  I've been landscaping the slope along the fence between the garage and the alley.  This spot has been a great killer of lawn mowers in the past.  Digging it up and landscaping it then mulching has been my job every spare moment away from the office. 

I am calling it my 'Mom" garden.  My mother is my gardening inspiration for that slope.  Mom always loved flowers and as she isn't able to garden anymore I've taken up the task at my house to remind me of her every time I look at the flowers.  I still have a tiny bit left to plant then mulch.  I have daisies, yarrow, philox, roses, lavender, daylilies, and thyme planted there so far.  I did manage to put in some lantana last weekend when it wasn't too hot.  Hopefully I'll find time to finish it up soon. 

I picked up this amazing ceramic planter and filled it with hibiscus and a lovely variegated vine.

Day lily Bela Legosi
My first boquet from the garden.

New rose bush, one of 5 I have added to this slope.

My little day lily patch.  I have more to put in but it will probably be a few years before it fills in.  

I really should buy stock in sunscreen since I practically bathe in it before I go anywhere.  I have also planted peppers, tomato's, cucumbers and zucchini in the back yard.  I have even had my first tomato from the garden.  It was incredibly delicious.  I have some peppers that should be ready soon as well.  I can't wait to harvest the squash and cucumbers too.  Yum!

My biannual scans are coming up next week.  I tried to send my insurance information to my DR. & Nurse but haven't heard back from them yet.  I wonder if I should call the radiology department to see if they have the correct information instead?  Oh well, I am sure someone will let me know eventually.

I would hate to get there only to be told that the insurance hadn't approved anything.  This has been a problem on occasion and it isn't pleasant.  I've had to go back the next week for 1 scan which means drinking 2 bottles of the vile stuff.  Then my stomach is all messed up for another week.  

Beyond that I have been working an insane number of hours as I have 4 deadlines in 5 days.  Yes, you read that right.  One is an addendum so that isn't too bad.  I am really hoping to have some time to go see Mom & Dad soon.  I just need to earn enough vacation days and save up the money to go.  I miss Mom & Dad so very much.  They are in New Mexico near Brian now which is grand.  It'll be nice to see everyone.  I can fix dinner for Brian, DJ and the kids.  Maybe I can even get some things prepared and frozen for them.  I know both Brian and DJ are super busy so it would be nice to have some freezer meals ready for them to toss in the oven or in a crock pot, easy peasy.

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