Thursday, July 20, 2017

In Another fit of Pique!

In dealing with trying to get another series of scans approved for my bi-annual CT's below is a letter to my company's insurance broker.  Company names have been removed to keep my ass out of court, I hope.  If I missed one, let me know and I'll remove it.

Insurance companies treat patients like we are trying to get something for free.  Seriously it isn't as if cancer is fun in any way.  It is scary as hell.  It sucks.  Even after you've made it to the other side, you get nervous with every scan wondering if it will show up again.  

Dear sir,

I hope your week is going well.  I hope you are healthy and happy and enjoying the sunshine.

Just remember, you asked.  Also please know that I am venting here.  This has absolutely nothing to do with you personally.  This is the kind of thing My medical team and I have had to deal with every 6 months for the last 4+ years.  It is a pain in everyone’s ass. 

I have been part of a clinical trial since January 2013.  It will be ongoing for some time yet.  I get bi-annual CT scans for this trial, it is also nice to have bi-annual proof that the cancer has not returned.  Nearly every time I go in for my appointment, one scan has not been approved.  This means I need to reschedule to get the other scan on another day, taking time out of work to go in.  Sometimes I’ll get the scans that have been approved and my Dr. will have to call in for a Peer-to-Peer to get it approved while I am drinking the barium solution as I wait.  Sometimes I end up having to reschedule the scans or come back for the scans which were not previously approved.

eviCompanyX is the management company that does the approvals for Insurance Company A.  They do the approvals for most of the scans for nearly all of the insurance companies.  They have been the hold up for 95% of the scans I have had over the last 4.5 years. 

Here are the steps my medical team has to go through to get approval.

Scans are scheduled 6 months in advance.

1.       Dr. office requests approval by faxing in the information for each appointment 2 weeks in advance.

2.       Get denied because the request is sent in too soon.

3.       Request approval by faxing in the information again 1.5 weeks prior to my appointment.

4.       Information sits on the fax machine for a week.

5.       Dr. office calls to ask about the scans approval.  

6.       eviCompanyX says they have no request.

7.       Dr. office sends the fax again and starts making calls.

8.       Monday: I get a call from Radiology saying my scans have not been approved. 

9.       I get on the phone with the insurance company and start asking questions.  They are not able to give any answers.  I ask for a nurse case manager.  They transfer me to their nurse call line, she and I chat for a bit so she can get an idea of what is going on.  She indicates that according to her screen I should qualify for a case manager.  She has me listed as having Insurance Company ITC & BH Cond Mgt.  She calls Insurance Company back to see about getting me into these programs.  Insurance Company says they don’t see that on their end.  They hang up and she asks me to check with my HR person to verify if we have access to ITC as it would be very helpful for me.

10.   Tuesday: I call insurance company asking more questions about scan approvals. They conference in eviCompanyX who can’t tell me anything because I am only the patient.  They only speak with medical professionals.

11.   I ask to speak with the supervisor.

12.   After another transfer I am told that they only got the request for approval Monday.  I know for a fact this is not accurate as my Nurse has informed me that they have requested approval 2-3 times by now.  They say it may be approved and I should check back with the imaging center in the morning.

13.   Wednesday: I call Radiology, they have not received approval.

14.   I call my Clinical Trial Nurse and she starts making phone calls.

15.   I get a call at noon from my clinical trial nurse who called someone in radiology who says they finally have approval. 

16.   I leave work at 2:30 to head to MCV for my scans.

17.   I leave my car with the parking guru’s and head down to imaging only to find out they still don’t have approval.

18.   I call the insurance company and start asking questions again.

19.   While I am on the phone I text my Clinical Nurse about the approval.  So she calls Radiology asking questions.  It turns out that someone up in the radiology office was reading from the wrong date on my chart.

20.   Meanwhile I am still on hold with Insurance Company.  They are trying to call my Nurse to get information from her.

21.   My nurse has her assistant call me to let me know she is on hold with the insurance company waiting to get through, she doesn’t want me to think she has forgotten about me.

22.   I let the insurance company know she is on hold with her people waiting to get through.  I end up being the go between until they finally get connected. 

23.   The insurance company person finally gets both of us on the line then attempts to conference in someone from eviCompanyX.  That takes about 17 minutes, (they have the worst Muzak btw.)

24.   We speak with someone with eviCompanyX who has to transfer us to a medical review secretary.  We give my patient information and find that the neck scan is the hold up.  Again, they say they only received the request a few days before but that they need more information before they can approve the final scan. 

25.   I chime in to let them know they have been the hold up with my scans on many occasions.  It is always the same one or two scans they refuse to approve.  I mention that my Dr. administers all of the clinical trials in a major teaching hospital that handles thousands of patients.  I then mention that this happens about 95% of the time.  Most clinical trials require regular scans. 

26.   My nurse mentions that this is correct.  Dr. Awesome ends up going toe to toe over and over on scans that occur regularly.  At this point the problem is equivalent to a corporate cancer of wasted time, effort ,and money for everyone.  

27.   Today I had to reschedule my scans for July 31st as that was the next opening they had in their schedule.  This also required me to reschedule my appointment with my oncologist, I don’t have that appointment date yet. 

So, I have spent approximately 8 hours on the phone with the insurance company over the last week.  I left work early to make my appointment, had to pay $5 for parking to find out I can’t have my scans unless I sign a wavier which the insurance company could use to make me pay for the whole thing. 

Don’t shake your head.  This happened in 2012 when I need a PET scan to determine how far the cancer had spread prior to surgery.  I’ve been fighting this crap for almost 5 years by now.  That PET scan cost me $10k because the insurance company refused to approve it after the fact.  My surgical oncologist was livid.  He ended up doing 3 Peer-to-Peer’s trying to get it approved.  I could go on, but who has the damn time?  I do have that cluster fuck written down for posterity.  I actually blogged about it during my treatment.  If you are interested go here for my blog post on that cluster from hell:  (Trivia:  my oncologist uses my blog to educate patients on the immunotherapy for melanoma.  Yeah, if it happened it went in the blog.  I'm educational and shit.)

Now, I am out the 8 hours pay spent on the phone, 2 hours at MCV, $5 for parking, and I still don’t have approval for said scans.  I have also spent about half an hour on the phone today trying to get rescheduled.  Since they couldn’t get me in until the 31st, now I worry that the approvals I do finally have will be void and we will have to start the process over again.

My patience has gone the way of the dinosaur.  Insurance companies are making record profits because they couldn’t give a rats colon about the people who buy in to their policies.  They refuse to be strait with Doctors, Nurses and patients because they think we enjoy drinking barium which bloats the hell out of you, getting poked with needles to insert an IV to ride a machine to see if the cancer is back.  Then I get to spend the rest of the day in the toilet because nothing messes up my gastric system like the chemicals used in CT scans.  This is not like Disney land!  There is nothing that is actually fun about CT scans.  Now, I know I make it sound like fun, but really, it isn’t.

I am now waiting to see what comes of this.  Wish me luck!

After a long conversation and requests to speak with a supervisor, I finally got through.  I am not terribly confident that anything will come of it, and will have to check back but at least something is on record and they promised to push it up the chain.  Here's hoping I can get some relief for my medical team.  Heard from my Dr. today that he was on the phone for more than one peer-to-peer today.  Insurance companies exhaust him.

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